Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the Fourth Be with You!

May 4, 2016

In a classroom along time ago,

      I wore a Star Wars t-shirt to school; it was May the fourth Be with You! I am a Star Wars fan just like my husband; we even have a Star Wars room filled with the action figures and the books written about the movies.  I thought about the other famous quotes said in the movies and how I could apply them to teaching.
     I'll start with Yoda's quote from Star Wars,  "Do or do not; there is not try." I either accomplish the task or fail it; just trying to do something will not bring any results. I wouldn't be able to reflect and make improvements. For example, I am already planning my curriculum for next year. I want to incorporate more formal speaking practice in each unit. The units will revolve around the senior paper and project. I want to push my students to go beyond just giving a speech about what they learned; I want them to create or do something with it by putting the idea into action!
     In the new Movie, Star Wars, the Force Awakens, Finn helped Poe escape Kylo Ren. Poe asked Finn why he was doing this, and Finn replied, "because it's the right thing to do." In education, I have to make choices and decisions that affect my students. Helping students find which path to take is the right thing to do in education. If that means throwing away the traditional approaches and implementing new ideas, I see no problems with it. Offering college classes in high school, having students make portfolios, and requiring students to read and write across the curriculum are just a few ideas. Helping students the right thing is to do.
     Also, in this movie, Finn and Rey say at the same time while they are trying to fix the Millinneim Falcon, "I can do this." I want my students to be independent learners who take risks and never give up. The senior speeches started this week, and I have made a few observations. A lot of the students do not like talking in front of a group, but when they accomplish this feat, they gain more self-confidence. I want them to believe that "they can do this." I want them to understand that failing is a part of learning, and that they must practice and practice to get something correct.
     I want to leave the last quote to you, the Oklahoma teachers, who have survived the negative remarks and insults about this profession.  "May the Force Be with You." Never lose the spirit, the energy, and the purpose of why you are a teacher. One teacher can change a student's life, but a group of teachers can change the world.

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