Tuesday, February 18, 2014

D.O.G.S. : A Strategy to Use During Computer Testing

At the beginning of the year, I showed my students the C.U.S.S. strategy as a way to help them understand and keep up with what they were reading. Since the students will be tested on the computer and not paper/pencil, I created another strategy to help them on the test. They are allowed to use scratch paper on the EOI English II test.

Define any rhetorical devices or academic words to clarify meanings.

Observe the structure of the text-fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Go over the questions and write down what they are asking you to do.

Summarize the main ideas for the paragraphs or the sections.

The students will make four sections on the paper and label them.

This strategy does not have to be followed in order.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Grammar Time with Comma Rhymes!

I am going to share some rhymes that I created to help my students remember some of the grammar rules.

Sing this one:
A sentence has a subject and a verb,
                         a subject and a verb,
                         a subject and a verb.

A complete thought must be heard.

Series Comma Rule:
Three or more words in a row, add two or more commas where they need to go.

Compound Sentence Rule:
Two sentences joined with a conjunction, add a comma to complete the function.

and, but, or, for, nor, & so
These are the conjunctions that you need to know.

Adverb Clause Comma Rule:

When a sentence begins with an adverb clause, add a comma after the pause.

Prepositional Phrase Comma Rule:

Two or more phrases in a row, add a comma where it needs to go.

Two phrases that begin, add a comma where the last one ends.

Adjective Before Noun Comma Rule:

Two adjectives before a noun, if and sounds correct, put a comma down.

Appositive Phrase Comma Rule:

A group of words renaming a noun, before and after, put a comma down.

An appositive phrase that begins, add a comma where it ends.

Conjunctive Adverb Comma Rules:

Begin a sentence with a conjunctive adverb, add a comma where the pause is heard.

A conjunctive adverb in the middle of the sentence, add commas before and after, or you will regret it.

Transition Comma Rule:

Begin a sentence with a transitional word, add a comma where the pause is heard.