Sunday, February 16, 2014

Grammar Time with Comma Rhymes!

I am going to share some rhymes that I created to help my students remember some of the grammar rules.

Sing this one:
A sentence has a subject and a verb,
                         a subject and a verb,
                         a subject and a verb.

A complete thought must be heard.

Series Comma Rule:
Three or more words in a row, add two or more commas where they need to go.

Compound Sentence Rule:
Two sentences joined with a conjunction, add a comma to complete the function.

and, but, or, for, nor, & so
These are the conjunctions that you need to know.

Adverb Clause Comma Rule:

When a sentence begins with an adverb clause, add a comma after the pause.

Prepositional Phrase Comma Rule:

Two or more phrases in a row, add a comma where it needs to go.

Two phrases that begin, add a comma where the last one ends.

Adjective Before Noun Comma Rule:

Two adjectives before a noun, if and sounds correct, put a comma down.

Appositive Phrase Comma Rule:

A group of words renaming a noun, before and after, put a comma down.

An appositive phrase that begins, add a comma where it ends.

Conjunctive Adverb Comma Rules:

Begin a sentence with a conjunctive adverb, add a comma where the pause is heard.

A conjunctive adverb in the middle of the sentence, add commas before and after, or you will regret it.

Transition Comma Rule:

Begin a sentence with a transitional word, add a comma where the pause is heard.

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